ZEROBASEONE (also known as ZB1) kicked off their much anticipated 2024 ZEROBASEONE THE FIRST TOUR [TIMELESS WORLD] in Seoul with their first concert on September 20.

The ZEROBASEONE members are known to wear custom in-ears gifted to them by fans. Unfortunately, Ricky‘s has been reportedly misplaced.
hao showing off his in-ears that he got from fans ?
?: the half of the violin is here. and ‘hao’ is written in tiny lettering on it.
?: zerose designed them all! originally both sides were from different sets of designs. i chose the one side from one design and another side…— zhang hao archive (@haopics) September 2, 2023
RICKY JP was responsible for a gift of IEMs (in-ear monitors) for Ricky. China Mic Team was responsible for handheld microphone, and both were manufactured in the same factory. RICKY JP has released a detailed document explaining the timeline of the situation regarding the alleged missing in-ear monitors.
1. RICKY JP is responsible for the production of in-ear monitors (IEMs) and headsets, while the China Mic Team handles the production of handheld microphones.
2. Both the headsets and handheld microphones are being manufactured at the same factory, with an expected completion date in November due to production timelines. The in-ear monitors were produced in August to ensure they would be ready for the world tour.

On August 29, RICKY JP sent an email to WAKEONE concerning the delivery of Ricky’s custom in-ear monitors. WAKEONE reportedly responded at the time, providing a contact and requesting the gift to be delivered to the office by September 2 at 3 PM KST.

September 2 came, with a China Mic Team member traveling and delivering it to WAKEONE in Korea at 3 PM as requested. A staff was contacted, who reportedly received the gift. A confirmation, consisting of a photo, was sent to RICKY JP.
At 3:13 PM, a call was made to inform the staff to come and collect the in-ear monitors. At 3:15 PM, a staff member arrived and received the monitors. A confirmation photo was taken at the time, and there is also a call log with the specified phone number. At 3:23 PM, the China Mic Team informed RICKY JP that the monitors had been delivered, along with the confirmation photo.

Yet, on September 7, a member of the China Mic Team reportedly had a video call with Ricky during a virtual fanmeeting. They inquired whether Ricky had received the in-ear monitor gift, to which he reportedly revealed he had not.
On September 13, RICKY JP reportedly contacted WAKEONE again via email, asking for the gift to be delivered to Ricky. WAKEONE allegedly did not respond. Six days later, the email was reportedly opened, and replies were sent.
On September 20, RICKY JP sent all the information, including time of delivery, screenshots, call logs, etc. Reportedly, the email was sent and opened at least nine times, but there was no reply from WAKEONE.
Thank you so much for all of your support, it is past 23:00 in KR and JP time, and we till haven’t received any responses from WAKEONE yet. We will wait for three days to hear back from them, and will discuss how to proceed.
現在23:00時点でWAKEONE社からの返答は無く、これから3日間返事を待ちつつ以降の対応について各国FBを含め協議させていただきます。Thank you so much for all of your support, it is past 23:00 in KR and JP time, and we till haven’t received…
— RICKY JP (@sqr_jp) September 20, 2024
The next day, RICKY JP sent an additional email with even more info and a request for WAKEONE to check CCTV to confirm. Still, there was no reported response at the time.
We’ve updated all documents with 1) The actual chat logs from September 2nd between mic team member and the delivery member 2) The email RICKY JP sent out today, including more detailed timeline and request to check the cctv in front of the company. The email we sent on September 13th got opened three times last night, 8:24, 0:59, and 1:02. We know @wakeone_offcl @ZB1_official is aware of this incident. We have provided all details that you have asked us, and asked you to check the cctv for stronger evidence. We just need an update on the situation. Please reply to us, thank you.

With the start of the tour and Ricky without the custom in-ear monitors, the fans have grown even more concerned. They fear that staff lost the special gift for him. Fans are devastated that Ricky was without the gift for concerts.
woke up to wk1 losing rk’s in ears saying that “it got lost in fan gifts” are they actually fr… fans spent so much effort to make it in time for the tour and now rk is the only one who can’t have fanmade in ears for the tour. it was right at their fucking doors please i’m so mad
— random ricky (@qruibits) September 20, 2024
so you’re telling me everyone will have their fucking custom ear-ins while ricky will be the only one with company provided ones BECAUSE THEY HIRE INCOMPETENT FUCKING LOSERS?
— basil (@wwxsil) September 20, 2024
i dont care. wakeone you better find those in ears for ricky or something bad will happen to this company , we will make sure of it how dare you lose a nice gift we wanted ricky to have for the tour. everyone else gets custom in ears , he will be the only one without btw .
— lyssi♡ྀི (@cutesyricky) September 20, 2024
Imagine if we didn’t found out w1 lose it, ricky would get scolded by fans again for not appreciating a gift
— sya?? (@suhopeacheeks) September 20, 2024
Ricky’s fans are alarmed by the continuous alleged mistreatment of him and are demanding that WAKEONE treat him fairly.
please lets speak up about ricky’s mistreatment as well. the in-ears are still no where to be found, this is what ricky should have been wearing on stage if not for wakeone’s lack of care. WAKEONE TREAT RICKY BETTER@wakeone_offcl @ZB1_official #WakeoneStopIgnoringRicky
— jian (o^^o) new rik art? (@shimrick__) September 21, 2024
ricky having the worst mistreatment that an artist could ever experience from a company mm i hope zrses stop minimizing the mistreatment he’s subjected to by focusing on insignificant things since he’s the only one who faces this level of disrespect and bigotry
— ≽ܫ≼ (@tzuruis) September 20, 2024
seeing all the jebies except for ricky with their custom in-ears and mics makes me so sad
he deserves so much better, i hope that ricky jp takes all the necessary actions bc losing such a valuable gift is no thing to take lightly
it just feels so targetted too…— lumine?? saw svt & bdu (@bioluminesencja) September 20, 2024
This isn’t a one-time occurrence. WAKEONE has a history of “forgetting” or “losing” things related to Ricky.
u can’t fucking tell me wakeone is not doing this on purpose because why do they ALWAYS fuck up with ricky and still try to excuse their actions. ruining the first day of the tour.
— v (@visualface) September 20, 2024
W1 always “loses” or “forgets” everything about Ricky:
1. Passport; Ricky was left at the airport;
2. Passport renewal, hence no Ricky at the AAAs;
3. To post about Ricky on all zb1 socmed;
4. Expensive in-ears.What else?
I wouldnt be surprised if they lose Ricky himself…
— Just Someone (@mememeparin) September 20, 2024
how many more “mistakes” can wakeone make before the rest of you start taking us and ricky seriously. at what point will you admit it’s far more than just incompetence. i want him to feel the love he’s getting without this barrier from this stupid ass company
— ZIA ? (@zerobaserui) September 20, 2024
it’s rlly not “mistakes” anymore when it comes to ricky cause the way they sabotage him at any given chance is so consistent they’re just evil
— bea (@meowwricky) September 20, 2024
RICKY JP recently stated that they would continually contact WAKEONE until a response is received. If they did not hear anything within three days, they will consider legal action, which many fans were supporting.
i genuinely hope ricky jp sues because losing a fan-funded gift which was supposed to be used on tour is outrageous
— dana (@mycatrik) September 20, 2024
we need to hire a lawyer and call the police on wakeone at this point they’re emotionally abusing ricky and his fans and they even lost an important fan funded gift within themselves
— v (@visualface) September 20, 2024
Just a couple of hours ago, at the time of writing, RICKY JP shared an update via X (formerly Twitter). They reportedly revealed that WAKEONE responded to an email, claiming to be checking CCTV.
We received an email from WAKEONE at 10:53 KST, saying they’re currently in the process of checking their CCTV. We’ll keep contact with them and wait for the final results until 23st 23:59.
引き続き催促を行いながら23日23:59まで結果を待ちます。We received an email from WAKEONE at 10:53 KST, saying they’re currently in the process of…
— RICKY JP (@sqr_jp) September 22, 2024
Additionally, Ricky suffered a minor injury on Day 2 of the Seoul concerts. Read more below.
Sharp Object Pierces Through ZEROBASEONE Ricky’s Hand Mid-Performance
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