A high school student in South Korea who had been questioned as part of a deepfake sex crime investigation recently attempted to take his own life by jumping from the roof of a 19-story apartment building. The 16-year-old boy — referred to as A — had been interviewed as a witness for allegedly viewing and […]
16-Year-Old Idol’s Alleged Veneers Spark Major Concerns
One of the most divisive “trends” in K-Pop is veneers, but it seems like more and more idols are having the procedure done to improve the image of their teeth. 16-year-old TripleS‘s Hayeon has sparked concerns after allegedly getting veneers. TripleS’s Hayeon | @triplescosmos/Twitter Hayeon has always gained attention for her adorable bunny teeth. Recently, […]
(★BREAKING) 16-Year-Old Girl Escapes After Being Kidnapped, Tortured, And Sold As Sex-Slave
Five Busan teenagers have been exposed for brutally torturing a 16-year-old girl and trying to sell her as a sex-slave. The teenagers were both male and female, with the oldest one being 18-years-old. All five of them had previously run away from home. Details are only now emerging from the case, despite occurring in June […]