South Korean sharpshooter Kim Ye Ji, dubbed the 2024 Paris Olympics’ “breakout star” by international media, had her high school photos shared in an SBS interview. Earlier, Kim Ye Ji went viral and became an overnight sensation with her “bad*ss vibes” that the internet dubbed “the most main character energy.” The most “Main Character Energy” I’ve ever seen in my […]
South Korea Receives Over 40 Trash Balloons Overnight From North Korea…Again
Previously, we had reported about North Korea sending balloons full of animal feces and trash into South Korean territories as a response to anti-North Korean leaflets sent across the border by human rights organizations in South Korea. Workers on June 25 handling waste contained in a balloon flying from North Korea in Seongbuk-gu, northern Seoul […]
Meet The Thai Beauty Queen Who Went From “Nerd” To Bikini Model Overnight
Chalita Suansane is the winner of Miss Universe Thailand 2016, a beauty contest that gathers the most stunning ladies in the entire country. She gained attention worldwide for her jaw-dropping transformation over a short period of time. In just six months, she went from a “nerdy” school girl to a beauty queen who won the […]
How BTS’s V Turned An Unknown YouTuber Into An Overnight Sensation
BTS‘s V used his massive influence to bring attention to a talented, small-time creator! V | @bts_bighit/Twitter With his music, encouragement, and loving personality, V has improved the lives of ARMYs around the world. His unofficial endorsements have also made dreams come true for aspiring artists and businesses. A YouTube creator named Matthew Chun went from having under 300 […]