In the latest episode of “Dex‘s Fridge Interview,” a beloved YouTube series on channel 117, actress Lim Ji Yeon updated the viewers on her current “ideal type.”

For all guests appearing on “Dex’s Fridge Interview,” the “ideal type” question is a must-answer. It was no different for Lim Ji Yeon, regardless of her relationship status with The Glory co-star Lee Do Hyun.

But her updated answer ended up being an exact description of her enlisted boyfriend! When Dex asked for what she looks for in a man, appearance-wise, Lim answered that she prefers a “puppy face” with “soft features” and a “nice smile.”

Dex: Someone who looks like a puppy vs. someone who looks like a cat. What say you?
Lim Ji Yeon: A puppy.
Dex: A puppy face? With soft features?
Lim Ji Yeon: Yeah, someone with soft, cute features.
Dex: What about height? Do they have to be taller than you?
Lim Ji Yeon: Yeah…? I think, as long as they’re taller than me, I don’t really care how tall.
Dex: What about their shape? Do you like buff guys or can they be thin?
Lim Ji Yeon: Well, I’m on the slimmer side… Maybe that’s why, but I want someone bigger than me.
Dex: Is there anything else you specifically look for, appearance-wise?
Lim Ji Yeon: A nice smile.
Even when she was asked about her preference, personality-wise, Lim Ji Yeon stuck to basically describing Lee Do Hyun.
Dex: Moving on to personality, do you prefer someone who’s tough or sweet?
Lim Ji Yeon: Tough vs. sweet? That’s hard… I’d want both. But if I had to pick, then sweet.
Dex: Sweet?
Lim Ji Yeon: Yeah… Sweet but with a bit of toughness in there. I think that’d be ideal.
Dex: Sweet with a hint of toughness, huh?
Lim Ji Yeon: Just a pinch. And I like people I can rely on. Someone masculine and loyal. I find people like that sexy.
Dex: You said you’re more of a bright and energetic person. Would you want someone to share that same energy? Or do you want someone less extroverted?
Lim Ji Yeon: I like people who listen… I think being a good listener is more important than being a good talker. Being able to listen to what each other has to say is what creates good chemistry, I think. So my ideal type is someone who can listen to what I have to say and someone who tells me what I want to hear.
When her relationship with Lee Do Hyun was made public in April 2021, Lim Ji Yeon’s 2021 interview about her ideal type resurfaced. Even back then, it was evident that Lee Do Hyun was a perfect fit for what she was looking for. Fast forward to 2024, Lim Ji Yeon’s updated ideal type doesn’t seem to have changed much—is, perhaps, a good sign that her romance is still going strong!
Did “The Glory” Couple Manifest Each Other? Lee Do Hyun And Lim Ji Yeon’s Past “Ideal Type” Interviews Resurface
Source: xportsnews
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