On February 3, 2025 (KST), Korean news outlets reported that fitness YouTuber Kim Woong Seo had passed away.

His wife, Ki Ji Hyun, shared via his Instagram that the YouTuber with 122K subscribers passed away “due to an accident,” with a representative of his tanning company also sharing via Instagram that he had suffered a fatal heart attack.
Hello, this is Ki Ji Hyun, Kim Woong Seo’s family. Kim Woong Seo, who was always full of energy, embarked on a long journey to heaven on the 3rd due to an accidental death, never to hold our hands again. He seemed strong, but he was more tender-hearted than anyone else. I would be grateful if you could remember my dearest oppa in your hearts for a long time, so that his final journey is not a lonely one.
— Ki Ji Hyun
However, as of February 4, these Instagram updates are being questioned as Kim Woong Seo left behind a mysterious message via his YouTube channel.
Assumed to have been scheduled for auto-posting, a “will” was posted to Kim’s YouTube channel at midnight. Hinting at death by suicide, the post also named Kim Hak Soo as a sex offender and scammer who embezzled Kim Woong Seo.

…sex offender and scammer Kim Hak Soo…
…I have a law firm that will make you pay for your criminal act of embezzlement…
— Kim Woong Seo
Kim Woong Seo’s bombshell of a will was almost immediately deleted within five minutes of having been posted. But given the new information, his subscribers are now demanding an explanation from the wife and Kim Hak Soo.

0. The late Kim Woong Seo did not pass away from an accident or a heart attack. He took his own life.
1. The person who shared the news of his death is his ex-wife Ki Ji H yun.
2. Ki Ji Hyun wrongfully sued Kim Woong Seo for domestic violence and the two had been in a legal battle for a while. (There is a recording of Ki Ji Hyun admitting that she falsely accused him.0
3. Yet Ki Ji Hyun posted this announcement on Kim Woong Seo’s Instagram, calling him her dearest.
4. She deleted Kim Woong Seo’s will four minutes after it was posted to his YouTube while she was holding his funeral.
5. The Kim Hak Soo mentioned in the will, Kim Woong Seo’s enemy, is also at the funeral and standing as the bereaved family’s representative.
May Kim Woong Seo rest in peace.
— Instagram Comment
The bereaved is yet to comment on what has happened since.
Source: Hankyung and Sports Khan
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