Red Velvet‘s Seulgi is driving fans wild with her aesthetic and cool concept for her 2nd Mini Album ‘Accidentally On Purpose.’ [Video could not be displayed] The promotional images all have an edgy vibe… [Video could not be displayed] …as do her concept photos! | Instiz | Instiz She shows off her perfect figure in […]
Korean Netizens Admit They Want To Have Min Hee Jin’s Aesthetic
Recently, an online Nate Pann community post garnered much attention after a netizen confessed that they were a huge fan of Min Hee Jin’s aesthetic style. | Nate Pann They expressed that they were talking solely on her aesthetic and not her character or personality. | Nate Pann “I have known Min Hee Jin since […]
The “White Girl Aesthetic” Is The Latest Viral Trend In China
Young Chinese women are taking cues from western culture in a new trend dubbed the “white girl aesthetic.” The trend involves abandoning traditional Chinese beauty standards and copying western fashion and food choices. However, some people have found issues with the trend. “White girl aesthetic” guide posted on Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu On Xiaohongshu, […]