Following the exclusive from SPOTV reporting that the cast and crew of Pick Me Trip In Bali were detained in Bali after local authorities discovered the production team was filming without proper permission, MK Sports also released an exclusive update on the investigation. Girls’ Generation’s Hyoyeon, Apink’s Bomi, Secret Number’s Dita, And Dozens More Trapped In […]
Park Bo Young’s Real Personality Unveiled As Production Crew Member’s Testimony Goes Viral
A post written by a staff member who worked with actress Park Bo Young during the filming of her latest K-Drama is going viral on online communities for revealing the real personality of the actress. Park Bo Young | @boyoung0212_official/Instagram The staff member “A,” who worked on the set of Park Bo Young’s upcoming drama […]
Renowned DJ, DJ Soda, Forced To Take Her Pants Off By American Airlines Staff In Front Of The Crew
DJ Soda, one of Korea’s most famous DJs, was forced into a harrowing situation with American Airlines staff, who forced her to take her pants off due to its design featuring vulgar language. Through a thread on her personal Twitter account, she recounted the details of the event. I GOT KICKED OFF FROM @AmericanAir flight […]
WayV’s Ten And Former miss A’s Fei Are Moved To Tears By “Great Dance Crew” Dancer
As leaders on the Chinese show Great Dance Crew, WayV‘s Ten and former miss A member Fei broke down in tears after listening to a contestant’s heartbreaking story they could relate to. Ten Thirty-five-year-old Hong Kong actress and singer Grace Wong, also known as G. Racie, took the stage for a charismatic dance performance and […]