SM Entertainment recently revealed three new SM Rookies, the first three since WayV‘s YangYang, Hendery and Xiaojun were added to the line-up of NCT. One of the new rookies, Shohei, has allegedly been the subject of hate comments since his reveal, and netizens have strongly come to his defense. Shohei | @smrookies/Twitter Shohei’s name and face, as well as that of his […]
Netizens Slam HYBE, Defend LE SSERAFIM Garam’s Alleged Victim
HYBE‘s response to a statement regarding an alleged bullying victim is receiving backlash from netizens. Yoo Eunseo claims that she suffered abuse at the hands of LE SSERAFIM‘s Garam (also known as Kim Garam) during their school years. Garam | HYBE The victim (henceforth named using the pseudonym Yoo Eunseo) was a victim of school violence from Kim Garam and […]