Popular Japanese actor Toma Ikuta is facing fierce backlash following an insensitive and “rude” response he gave to a pregnant fan. Ikuta’s response has sparked widespread backlash online, with many netizens deeming it inappropriate and dismissive. | @toma.ikuta_official/Instagram The controversy started when Ikuta engaged in a Q&A session on his Instagram. During the session, a […]
The Male K-Pop Idol That Openly Admitted To Getting Botox Injections “For The Fans”
While plastic surgery is something that is more openly discussed, there is still a bit of a taboo in admitting that one got any cosmetic procedure done. Jessi is one such star who has shared their experience with plastic surgery. Jessi | NOBLESSE MEN Korea BLOCK B debuted under Stardom Entertainment in 2011, a project […]