Ex B.A.P Himchan was caught making now-deleted hate posts about the group. Himchan | TS Entertainment When B.A.P debuted, they were active as a group of six, which only changed as members left their old company, TS Entertainment. These days, member Zelo is serving out his mandatory military enlistment while Bang Yongguk, Daehyun, Youngjae, and […]
LOONA’s Chuu Gets Triggered When Billlie’s Tsuki Says She Hates Being Tall
In the latest episode of Chuu Can Do It, LOONA‘s Chuu was joined by Billlie‘s Tsuki in her quest to learn more about how to preserve the environment. Your browser does not support video.Chuu and Tsuki on Chuu Can Do It | 지켜츄 Chuu Can Do It/YouTube The girls were tasked with picking ripe organic pears! The […]