Idol-turned-actress Hyeri recently shared her amusing audition story during a recent YouTube appearance. Hyeri | @hyeri_0609/Instagram Hyeri was the special guest in the latest episode of DEX’s YouTube show, Dex’s Fridge Interview. During their conversation, the host mentioned that Hyeri debuted with Girl’s Day at just 17 years old, which shocked her. She responded, “I debuted in 2010. […]
LE SSERAFIM’s Sakura States She’s Never Had Any Good Luck In Her Life, Netizens React
Recently, an online community board garnered attention for LE SSERAFIM Sakura‘s thank you message in the third mini album, EASY. @IM_LESSERAFIM/X Sakura stated that she had no good luck in her life, but the OP felt she had more luck than most. “She said she’s never had good luck in her life, but she started […]